A way to share connections
I don’t think we learn language, and then we learn math. No, I think we learn two languages just one sucks.
It doesn’t suck in general, it’s just sucks when representing connections.
Today I was drawing a graph. I like to represent my ideas by graphs because it encapsulates the connection much better. Usually the words are cutting out pieces. Black people, white people. It divides. And that’s its function.
However, I needed a tool, to share connection. I found my home in the math graphs.
While I was doing a graph when does the system break or what’s the tolerance of a system. I discovered that each graph I draw, I can represent by a math formula. And I just like it.
At the moment of creation I can just draw the graph, and If its correct, I can just represent it with a function. It’s just a fancy word for how to write a curve into words. Math words.
And it’s sad. Math needs more love. Me too.