The insane push to equal everything.
Were you watching the opening ceremonial of Olympics in Tokyo? I was. And the necessary “voluntary” of holding the flag from both genders is cringe.
The flag holding on Olympic ceremonial: “See, equality warriors, how weird is this? And this is a metaphor for all of your attempts at equality. Whether it would be in work pay check or getting the same amount of gold medals for both of the gender? What about that? You humans. It’s just cringe and this push rule of both holding the flag makes both of them cringe. Here you have it.”
Because the flag is for one holder. That is how it was design!
No really, how many pushing you need to do to understand, it wasn’t design for that! Oh, think about other areas you do the same. Woman needing to be hard core entrepreneurs? Maybe not designed for that.
Okay, Portugal just destroyed any notion of how the flag is supposed to be hold. I loved it. It was awesome.
I’ve screamed my superego out. Now I can talk normally.
I like the idea of them both going there. I just hate this idea, that they both are forced to hold the flag. Just see. Equality people. Notice where you are crossing the line. Where you are pushing something on people that is unnatural. Like in this case, both need to hold the flag.
You make both genders cringe. When she wants to hold it. She would. When he wants to hold it. He will. Both, hold it differentially. Both have different vibes. Both hold them in different times, and that’s how it is. Both have the power in different times. And that’s good, but the moment you push on them: “We need equal hold from both genders.” Like, just watch them. I cannot post here a gif. But it’s cringe.
Watch the ceremony again and really look closely. Which holds were the most at ease. Which have the most fun. And which holds were the most at cringe at. “Oh what was that, okay so now I move it, now you” and the whole looks at each other. It’s not designed that way! Oh, here we go. You would go and redesign the flag-holder, for both people to have a hold. And we are back. In insanity land. How far do you need to go? Huh?
That is all. Don’t throw everything away. Just the stupid. Like yourself and have fun.
Deal with yourself. You are making them equal. Both are equally cringe. Just fptp. Solve your problems! Don’t start with outside. Solve yours. And you would find the wisdom to solve the outside too.